Coffee Date | Five

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Coffee dates were born and brewed over at my friend Amber's place. 

If were were on a coffee date, I would not be drinking anything pumpkin spiced. It just isn't my favorite. I don't mind it, but if there are other options available, I'd surely go with mocha or caramel first. Also, because it is early October in the south, the weather can't make up its mind right now on issues of temperature, but I'd probably go with a hot drink, just because I am nostalgic for these cooler days.

If we were on a coffee date, I might share that my heart is so heavy lately. There has been more than enough loss and pain to go around these past couple weeks, and I'll be honest, I've questioned a lot. I know God is good, and I know that he has good plans, but did his plans have to include this? And I might ask you to pray: for my husband and I, for our friends, for our community, our country, our world.

If we were on a coffee date, I'd ask how your heart is. And I'd leave enough silent space for you to gather whatever thoughts needed to spill out. Sometimes I think we lack a sense of reverence for that space. And maybe we would cry, because I'm doing a lot of that these days.

If we were on a coffee date, I would ask you about transitions (Amber and I have this in common). Because we're in the middle of a huge and unexpected one. We have the opportunity to change a lot of things, and neither one of us is sure exactly which direction we will end up going. I don't tend to flourish in seasons of change, and trust isn't always my first response when life doesn't go the way I hoped, so I would be open to advice.

If we were on a coffee date, I'd tell you I'm really sitting down with Uninvited, and I'm bawling my way through itMaybe because a lot of Lysa's story resonates so closely with my own. Maybe because it is so timely for this season that we've been thrust into so unexpectedly. These words have been a balm.

If we were on a coffee date, I'd ask about your village. I'm grateful that mine includes a couple of people who will take me to Taco Bell at 10:30 at night and listen no matter what. If you don't have those people, please find some. Do whatever you need to do. Be vulnerable. Say yes to coffee dates and trips to the mall and nights spent laughing about old boyfriends over craft beer. Find people who have your back, and who love you just because.

If we were on a coffee date, I'd remind you that you are worthy of loving. I'd tell you about the fire I see inside your bones and how much light you give to the world, and I'd thank you for showing up because showing up is hard as hell sometimes. I'd ask you to please keep showing up, even on the hard days, because we need you. I'd tell you again, we need you.

What would you tell me if we were on a coffee date? Link up your own post, or share in the comments below.