A few goals for October.

Processed with VSCO with c3 preset Its only three days into the month, which means it isn't too late to share some goals for October, right? I didn't think so, either.

October goals

+ Work on adopting healthy rhythms, including tracking our spending, staying at home more, cooking yummy food, working with LG on her colors, staying on top of the household chores, heart checks with people I love, date night, disconnecting from the internet, quiet time and prayer, and self-care routines.

+ Count the fruit. I'm thinking about starting a gratitude journal this month, or at least being intentional to share here about what's growing and bringing joy.

+ Read 3 books. I won't attempt to commit to three specific books, because when I do that, I always end up going in an entirely different direction. But I have a couple hours to read in the morning before LG wakes up, and a couple hours (fingers crossed) in the afternoon when she naps, so I really have no excuse to not read all the books.

+ Start praying about my word for 2017. Honestly, I just typed that and snorted, because 2017 doesn't even feel like a real year. But of course, it is real, and it is only three months away! I can't wait to see where God will choose to take me in the coming year!

What are some of your goals for the month? I'd love nothing more than to cheer you on!